Friday, November 27, 2020

Cutting Off

There is this post going around on FB where the user has posted a conversation between her and a relative. The auntie (I supposed—coz she said “ante”) messaged the user to lend her P30,000 so she can have a baptismal/birthday party. The user, who was quite gracious considering the reason for the sudden “catch-up”, said that she didn’t have that much and instead offered P10,000. The auntie replied that 10K is only enough for a lechon, so she went on and haggled for 25K.

The user later said that she can lend 13K at most, and even added that she’d no longer ask to pay it back as it would be her gift to the kid who will be baptized. The user politely explained that she also has her own obligations and can only lend her as much. 

Things went south as the aunt started to accuse the user of being selfish and even wished her bad karma in the end for not lending her the amount she wanted. Seriously, I can’t even begin to describe the audacity because you have to read the entire conversation to see it for yourself. 

The surprising part of it all, based on the updates, is how some of the relatives even sided with the aunt. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Hey, Miss Busy

I realized I have not updated this blog for well over a month. See, apart from my own projects and everyday tasks at work, I got so busy with training on other projects (so in case there’s an increase in volume, everyone can actually help out). We also have weekly video coaching and meetings and were asked to update our project manuals. 

I guess the “honeymoon period” for WFH employees is over as we’re expected to deliver more already.   

But I won’t talk shop and bore you with these details. What I’m actually getting at is that by the time my shift ends, I don’t want to do anything that requires my laptop anymore. Thus, blogging took a back seat.