Wednesday, February 28, 2024

About the Goodnight Girl...

 This post was taken from my old blog originally posted on March 18, 2009.

I was secretly smiling to myself inside our company shuttle on my way home last night.

If I have to make a soundtrack of my life (which, by the way, would take several volumes if you know me), the song Goodnight Girl by Wet, Wet, Wet would have to be included, most definitely.

Last night, while it was being played on the radio, I was instantaneously zapped back in time. R, a fellow World Youth Day `95 delegate from our parish, gave me the lyrics of this song. Until now, I haven’t had the slightest idea why that of all the songs during the time (Do I make him doze off? Do I look like a manananggal who only comes out at night? Or just by merely thinking of me would make him sleep soundly at night? Hehehe. Feeling.)

Now this guy could drive me bonkers sometimes. While he’s really nice and had expressed his good intentions, his crazy antics to woo me could go down the books. I remember one time he was having a haircut and he saw me passed by. He stood up from the barber’s chair (his hair uneven because it’s unfinished) and asked me if he could walk me home. Even if I told him I’m okay and he could just go back to finish his haircut, he insisted. He didn’t care about the weird stares he’d been getting from people (after all, he really looked stupid with his incomplete trim) as long as he could just be with me for a few minutes. While I find that sweet, I also find that pretty disturbing.

About the same time, I have this guy classmate at Lyceum named Brian who I heard humming this song this one time we sat next to each other in class. From there, we engaged in a small talk and I told him about how Goodnight Girl reminded me of this other guy. 

Since then he would tease me by singing the chorus of the song every time he sees me. As in – every time. When he sees me walking at the quadrangle, or in the corridor, inside the classroom…I mean everywhere – I’d suddenly hear him burst into song.

“Caught up in your wishing well, your hopes inside it. Take your love and promises and make them last…”

Since Brian’s a volleyball varsity player, people who hear him singing at the quadrangle every time I pass by (sometimes even kneeling as if he’s serenading me) thought it was just the cutest gesture. Everyone thought that Brian had a thing for me (I really don’t know, he’s probably just teasing), but he didn’t care. He’d always sing me the song. I enjoyed “some popularity” when I was in College for the oddest reasons and this was one of it. After all, Brian was a “crush-ng-bayan” too, like all regular jocks.

After graduation, I haven’t heard from Brian anymore, which wasn’t surprising because we don’t belong in the same major and we only became classmates on our minor subjects. However, many years after, while I was at the University Mall (near La Salle - Taft) buying something after a quick snack at nearby McDonald’s, I heard a familiar voice – a guy singing the chorus of the song Goodnight Girl! I frantically looked everywhere to find where the voice was coming from and my eyes beamed upon seeing Brian after so many years since College! What’s so nice about it is that he still remembers “our” song. Yes. It became our “unofficial” song. What started out as some joke because of some guy, became a lasting memory for another. 

While I really don’t rave about the song, it was still memorable for me. Actually, my Mom always loved the story behind it. She liked hearing me tell it over and over again. Maybe because she thought it was sweet that someone would forever be reminded of me because of one song. I’m sure that whenever Brian hears that, he would think of no one else but me.



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